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English Language and Mathematics

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AEIS 英文和数学


AEIS 到底是什么?

  • 由新加坡教育部推出的国际学生入学考试

  • 每年9月或10月进行集中招生活动

  • 对英语和数学进行测试​

  • 申请成功的学生将由新加坡教育部统一就近分配到新加坡政府中小学

AEIS 为谁而设?

  • 希望1月加入小学和中学的国际学生

  • 国际学生(非新加坡公民(SC) )

  • 非新加坡永久居民(SPR)

  • 在新加坡的主流学校没有学位

  • 希望在在次年1月份入新加坡主流小学就读2-5年级和中学1-3年级的学生

AEIS 何时进行?

AEIS - Exam dates table (CL).png
  • 小学:

    • 小学2/3年级入学考试或小学四年级入学考试

    • 申请者应参加适合其年龄组的主要测试​

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  • 中学:

    • 申请就读中学的学生

    • 可选择参加中学一年级、二年级或三年级考试

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  • 考前7周,一周6天,每天6-8小时集训

  • 小学、中学

  • 2月、9月AEIS考试

  • 提供住宿、三餐、接送

  • AEIS考试报名手续

  • 机场接送

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-25 at 5.49.38 PM.

Contact Us:

  • For enquiries on course details

  • For collaboration 


  • 咨询课程细节

  • 协商搭建伙伴关系

English Language and Mathematics


WhatsApp Image 2018-11-25 at 9.05.17 PM.


  • Admission Exercise for International Students conducted by the Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE)

  • Students will be tested on English language and Mathematics

  • Successful applicants will be allocated a place in the Primary or Secondary School by the MOE. MOE will take into consideration available vacancies and the applicant’s declared Singapore residential area where possible. 

WHO is eligible for AEIS?

For International students who

  • Do not have a place in the mainstream schools

  • Wish to seek admission to Primary 2–5 and Secondary 1–3

  • Are non-Singapore Citizens (SC)

  • Are non-Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR)

WHEN is AEIS conducted?

  • Conducted annually in September or October


  • Primary level:

There are two tests for Primary level. Applicants should sit for the primary test appropriate for their age cohorts.

  • Primary 2 / 3 admission

  • Primary 4 / 5 admission

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  • Secondary level:

Applicants seeking admission to secondary schools can choose to sit for tests for the following levels


  • Secondary 1

  • Secondary 2 

  • Secondary 3 

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Academic Support for You

AEIS Intensive Revision Courses

  • 7 weeks prior to AEIS examination, 6 days per week, 6-8 hours per day

  • Primary and Secondary levels

  • For preparation of AEIS in February and September

  • Provision of accommodation, 3 meals, transportation arrangements

  • Registration of AEIS

  • Provision of airport transfer

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